How to - Daily Dumbbell V.2

Welcome to the Daily DB Program!

This is an all-level, general fitness program! All you need is a set of dumbbells. If you want to throw in some extra equipment: kettlebells, barbells, medicine balls, etc. that's great, but all you really need is a set of dumbbells.

If you're new to this program, I would start at 3x/week, take a rest day in between, and as your body adapts + feels comfortable, you can work your way up to 4x or 5x/week.

When you finish the entire volume, you can either restart at the beginning and maybe increase your weights a little bit, or move on to the next volume. The goal for this entire program is to be short and intense. So as you're able to, increase your weights, have fun, and push yourself!

**Make sure to log your scores in the comments below each workout!

That way, in the future you can look back and see how you’ve improved!**


Daily DB V.2 Day 1