How to: Intro to Body V.1

Welcome to the Indoorphin's BODY Program!

This is a progressive Strength and Aesthetics Program designed to get you strong & get you jacked.

It's a 3x/week, progressive program, so make sure you're logging your weights and your reps, so you can build on them week to week.

For this program, we do use a little bit more equipment: we have dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and sometimes a cable machine. So if you're a member of a gym or have a fully built-out home gym, then this is the perfect program for you. It's designed to be a stand-alone program, so you can do the BODY program by itself. But it also works in conjunction with the Daily DB Program, especially on those off days. When you finish one whole volume, you can either restart at the beginning and reset those numbers to build back up or move on to the next volume.

Lift heavy, record those weights, and have fun!


Week One - Day One