WEEK 6 • DAY 3

Push yourself today!

- Charlie

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online cn make all the difference.

A) 12 Min EMOM

ODD: 6 Back Squats

*if you can, go heavy! If you can’t, stay light and work on ROM and tempo

EVEN: 40 Mountain Climbers

*feet all the way up to your HANDS on mountain climbers

*Finish your reps as fast as possible (with perfect technique and range of motion) then rest the remainder of the minute

B) 8 Rounds for Time:

20 Overhead Walking Lunges (45/35)

4 Bar Muscle Ups (Sub: 4 chest-to-bar or regular pull-ups)


WEEK 6 • DAY 2


WEEK 6 • DAY 4